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Suddenly think of a group of dancer which I like the most among so many dancers in the world , introduce JABBAWOCKEEZ!!!!!!!!!!

Last night suddenly recall that I watched a show called America's Got Talent , and Jabbawockeez was invited to perform in the show , and their performance were , WOW!!!!!

Started to fall in love with the group , their dancing attracted me.......@@

I like this show the most among their attention to their legs , it's awesome... ^6


Arghhhh............ Die die die.....dying!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't clean the grass , can't feed fishes , can't work , what am I going to do , some one tell me pls.....

Now I almost get phobia with those movies , watching movie from dusk to dawn , playing games from dusk to dawn , live like zombies now.....

Haven come out with the proposal , and sis is coming back tomorrow night , how how how???!!!!

The NS is killing me now , how come they don't want to announce the bath now , making me can't work , just sitting at home like die , watch , eat , and watch again , LIFE IS SO MEANINGLESS for me T.T

How come they so like holiday , it's not suit me at all ..... I rather study , but only Add MAths , now so miss to do Add Maths questions now.....

Hey friends , bring me out ASAP or else I will die of boredom....


雨后,发霉。。。考试过后的日子原来是这样过的,有吃有喝,不过 没玩没乐,只有看,看电视啦。本来打算要美化我家的草原,哪知老天一天哭到晚,不知为什么那么伤心,害到我又必须cancel我的plan了,要养鱼,妈妈又不给,怕我出去读书后没人理睬它们。跟朋友借了书,到现在还没动到,一天到晚看戏。本来在书房里装了电视机,让自己在里面用它来看戏,谁知来了一个老爹跟我抢着用,一放工回来就呆在里面看戏,害到我必须用电脑看,而且是时有声时无声的电脑,haiz..............近几天有人问我找了新年歌没,结果之后忙着找,今天还没看到戏呢!!!

今年的my astro唱得不好听,反而 one fm , ntv7 和八度空间的 DJs唱得比较好。到现在才知道原来988的DJs也有唱新年歌的,paise paise....>.< 来来来share share一下那些歌名。。。

988 - 兔气扬眉过好年
01 幸福满满
02 歌舞庆新年
03 恭喜发财利是来
04 恭喜大家过新年
05 年节时景
06 鼓声咚咚
07 欢喜欢喜
08 新年颂
09 恭喜恭喜恭喜你
10 许愿过好年

ntv7 八度空間one FM - 合家团圆一起发

01. 團圓飯

02. 快樂 178

03. 桃花朵朵開

04. 彩色新年

05. 圓圓滿滿 電視電影(媒人幫)主題曲

06. 春花齊放

07. 四海歡騰迎新年

08. 一年勝一年 + 新春好預兆

09. 財神老爺下凡了

10. 鞠躬行禮來拜年


3.爆竹一声大地 +欢迎新年到
5.天天好天{ 电影“天天好天”插曲 }
9.大拜年+拜天公 +庆元宵

KL trip day 2-7

What a good short cut for me to write about my trip , ya ya , I've already forgotten some of it , and mix some of the memories , so it's better for me to write it in one post , expected action when you keep on postpone your plan to write about it .

So , generally , we shop all they day , and eat at restaurant , it's my friends decision , not mine. Some of my friend went for camp , so while waiting for them to come out , I stayed with my sis at Cyberjaya. It's so shock for me to know her lifestyle, but it must be very normal for all of you after all . I just knew that she very pro at eating , shopping , watching movie.......... She brought me to IOI mall and Alamanda , 4 of us was busy shopping for our new year shirt , but my sis and I were pro than the 2 boys , we went in every shop , looked for every shirt , my sis helped me to choose some clothes , and after trying , we managed to get some shirt and pants , when it came to pay money , I had to pay with my bloody nose , it's not expensive since I took few of the clothes , but your heart would be very pain if you have to pay by yourself for RM70 for only shopping at one shop , but after that , I just forgot about it and keep on shopping with my sis .

About the meals , well , Kenny Roger Roasted Chicken is not so delicious after all , all of us think that it's just a normal roasted chicken and has nothing special about it , we made the wrong choice for choosing to have our diner at Kenny Roger , but it's ok , at least I've tried it and knew it's not suit me at all , so I'm not going to step into the shop anymore.

We managed to watch one movie also , not MOVIES , is MOVIE , as there's no any interesting movies for us to enjoy plus the people who waiting to buy tickets were too many , I was so shock after I saw so many people willing to queue for so long to buy a ticket . We watched Narnia that day , maybe I didn't watch the last episode , so just curious where's the other two actors went , there's only 2 main actors acting for the whole movie , whose I don't know their name. (paise paise...)

After my friend came out from the camp , we moved to Serdang to sleep , my sis house cant fix her in , so it's the best choice to move out than keep on argueing with my sis right ? One more thing , her house is indeed very small . =.=''

We went to Times Square , Sg.Wang , Low Yat Plaza , Mid Valley , One U , that's what I can recall for now . First experience of going to Times Square and Sg.Wang by bus , we almost got lost , thanks god that my friend recognise Times Square building and we stop at a teksi stand nearby there , but we spent the other 15 minutes to round there just to find the way to the building , and after we found it , 3 of us already nearly died of starvation , luckily there were some stalls for us to safe our tommy . But the food , not suit our taste bud at all. haiz.....

I just realised that shopping with my friends is just like live at hell for me , they can shop for the whole day without finding a place to rest their leg , it's really shop you know , from 10am to 8 pm , shopping non-stop , I just follow them also need to rest few times , my legs almost break off from my body , WOW!!!! Can't imagine how's their leg ........

Well , we also watched 2 movies consecutively, Lelio Po Po and Harry Potter , but when we're watching Harry Potter , THE PERSON WHO WANTED TO WATCH IT THE MOST SLEEP in the cinema after a few minutes the movie started , and just woke up 10 minutes before the movie end. The person must know I mean who , hahahaha~~~~~~


I'm back!!!! My friend asked me how's my blog , well , definitely the grass is taller than me , and it's DYING... I'm coming to safe you my blog....... My friend started her new blog , I should be more hard working now , since I have nothing to do. Yup , I know , you guys must be asking why I don't go to work . Well , my dad asked me to rest for one month , and clean up my previous study room , and then I can work after that .

Rest for ONE SOLID MONTH , I'm pretty sure that I won't do so , he said I'm too thin , when the sales man of the furniture said that I'm too thin , so he 'ordered' I must be fatter before I go to work . Suddenly he told me that I'm thin , kinda weird , but I don't think so , although I can feel that my pants a little bit loser >.<

Well , my trip to KL , I just wrote the first day , maybe writing for the rest few days later , gonna watch my movies and get my car licence first , then just continue with my blog , my games , and planning for taking new family members - fishes ^^Not a dog this time , my baby Dalmation dog , which my sis called her Dobbermation , passed away at November , my poor lovely dog . Gonna have some pretty , cute , and a little bit high class fish this time , perhaps .

My plan is too long in the list , well , not going to make my hair colours , of course , kinda like the colour now , just going to make the little bushes on my head more pretty for CNY .